We’re pleased to announce our latest release, WPtouch Pro 2.8.1! Included in the release are changes that address iOS 6 and iPhone 5 rendering issues. WP Super Cache users will also appreciate our improved support.
See the changelog below for a complete list of updates and fixes.
- Added: Better support for WP Super Cache
- Added: IE Mobile 9 user agent
- Added: Accessibility roles to UI elements in Classic theme
- Changed: Web-App title input now maxes out at 14 characters (respects iOS 6 title limitation)
- Changed: Optimized admin and theme JavaScript for better performance
- Fixed: Bug related to iPhone 5 startup image not displaying in some situations
- Fixed: Bug with menu height on iPhone 5 in Web-App Mode
- Fixed: Issue with videos not resizing when loaded via Ajax
- Fixed: Bug where the Classic theme minified JS files would not be loaded
- Updated: add2home script to v2.0.4