I consider myself lucky to be able to kick-off my WordCamp agenda each year in Victoria, my current home town. Of the various WordCamp events I attend annually, it’s always the one I look forward to the most.
As with past years’ events, WordCamp Victoria 2013 didn’t disappoint. WordPress leader, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, entertained and engaged the audience with his 50 minute keynote address titled, ‘Why WordPress’. Rand-Hendricksen’s recipe for making this simple and familiar topic work? Take the obligatory statistics and insights into the history of WordPress and mix with lessons in Norwegian culture, personal anecdotes and humour. Good times!
Other sessions I enjoyed included blogger Rebecca Bollwitt’s Picking Perfect Pics session and Al Davis‘ Deconstructing the Loop presentation–which somehow managed to provide what I felt was the best learning experience of the event even though it took place during the its-almost-time-for-the-after-party 4pm time slot.
WordCamp Victoria 2013 organizers are obviously an experienced bunch who know how to pull off a well run event. Registration went smoothly and the lineups were short, access to wi-fi didn’t appear to be an issue, lunch was on time and nobody’s special dietary concerns were overlooked. Kudos to the WordCamp Victoria organizing team on a job well done!
See you at WordCamp Victoria 2014!