Our “Tips Central” blog series spotlights WPtouch Pro-powered sites built and maintained by designers, developers and site owners like you. Read about other designers, developers, and site owners’ experiences with WPtouch Pro and get ideas for your own projects. Our experts also provide their recommendations for additional site enhancements using WPtouch Pro.
Site URL: iDownloadBlog.com
Site Owner: Sebastien Page
License Type: Single License
iDownloadBlog on Twitter: @iDownloadBlog
How long have you been using WPtouch Pro?
I believe I have been using WPtouch Pro for about two years.
Why did you choose WPtouch Pro to power your mobile site?
There are very few WordPress plugins that offer a turnkey mobile theme. I was already using the free version of WPtouch when I found out that a Pro version was available. The Pro version appeared to me as a no-brainer. It is inexpensive, comes with an incredible number of customizations, and most important, it gives you access to BraveNewCode’s support forums which are very helpful. The ability to edit and tweak the WPtouch mobile theme to my liking was also part of the decision. As a matter of fact, I have been thinking of pushing the theme tweaking a little more and will hire a developer soon to work on it.
What do you like most about using WPtouch Pro?
It’s simple, elegant, and inexpensive. I also love the great support the folks at BraveNewCode provide. Every time I’ve posted a question in the support forums, I received an answer in a very timely manner.
What improvements would you like to see included in future WPtouch Pro updates?
I would like WPtouch Pro to let me customize the theme even more without having to touch the CSS. I am no programmer but I know how I would want my theme to look. Unfortunately I can’t tweak it myself. I’d also want to see more themes available.
Note: Links to support documentation are available exclusively to current WPtouch Pro customers who are logged into bravenewcode.com.
1. Customize the menu.
There is opportunity in the iDownloadBlog.com mobile theme to create a user-friendly mobile menu with WPtouch Pro. By using a custom WordPress menu, a mobile-only menu may be created that effectively presents site content by bringing priority items to the top level and nesting related items beneath. By refining the menu in this way, social media links may be added for easy visibility and access and extraneous menu items (such as “Search Results”) may be omitted. Note that menu items may also be omitted by using the options at Menu + Icons > Menu and Icon Setup > General Icons + Menu Setup > Pages/Custom Menu. Also, custom menu icons may be added in WPtouch Pro to make menu item selection easier for visitors.
If no customization is desired, improvements may still be had by caching the large menu for speedier performance (Menu + Icons > General Settings > Advanced > Cache menu items to reduce database queries). Opting not to use menu icons which, when a large menu is in play, may also be a good choice for usability (Menu + Icons > General Settings > Advanced > Use Menu Icons).
Support Documentation: Using a Custom WordPress menu

Customize the menu
2. Add the desktop theme’s shortcodes.
Raw shortcodes were seen on the mobile site which indicates that they can be added from the desktop theme to WPtouch Pro’s mobile theme. To do so, try the options located at General > Compatibility > Theme & Page Compatibility > Include functions.php from the active desktop theme . Two options are offered in the dropdown menu that address the majority of themes. If neither option works well, then those shortcode functions may be manually included in WPtouch Pro.
Support Documentation: Including Desktop Theme Functions

Theme & Page Compatibility options
3. Enable iPad Support and other built-in WPtouch Pro features.
WPtouch Pro offers built-in, one-click support for one of the most popular tablets in use. WPtouch Pro’s iPad support offers another level of control over the mobile experience. Other built-in features include iOS Web-App Mode to create a native app-like experience from your website and the mobile switch which allows visitors to toggle to the desktop theme and back.
Support Documentation:
Enabling iPad Support, iOS Web-App Mode, and Switch Link

iPad support enabled
4. Enable the archives template.
WPtouch Pro offers special templates for use with archives and links. These may be enabled at Active Theme > Menu, Posts and Pages > Theme Templates or “Archives” may be removed from the menu entirely if desired.

Enable the archives template
Are you interested in having your WPtouch Pro-powered site featured in our “Tips Central” series? Please drop us a note through our contact form to inquire.